“Every child is an artist.
The problem is how to remain an artist
once we grow up.”
~ Pablo Picasso ~
About Jacqui
Who is she? Where is she? You’ll find her in the Surrey Hills these days - walking on the common or exploring any garden she can find, collecting pockets full of nature. But her life began in amazing Africa and most of it has been spent there. It’s where her heart strings are tied. No matter her roots, Jacqui’s yearning for travel persists, as with it comes the priceless gift of experiencing new things with fresh eyes. There were a few years spent in Hong Kong - where her children and her first book were born. Wherever life finds her, she is most content settled in a comfy chair with a good read or working in her garden or studio.
At the start of things, a Diploma in Applied Art and Design led Jacqui first into the world of advertising, and from there into her own one-woman design business - which she ran successfully for two decades. Over the years, she has turned her skills to many wonderful projects – from international exhibition stand design and construction to corporate ID and branding, to book illustration, layout and design.
A Jack of all trades creative.
One of Jacqui’s great loves is teaching - currently at the wonderful Surrey Art School (classes are now online). She has recently found an interest in surface pattern design and various methods of printmaking but also continues with her life long passion, to write and illustrate children’s books.