Learning to Fly…
It took years to learn to fly. Then, amove to a different place, a different space and you lose your face.
You forget how to fly. Old rules don’t apply. Life presents you with a new set of things to explore and navigate.
You have to revisit your metrics and adjust your wings.
After a few failed take offs and bad landings, hopefully, you learn to stay aloft.
Here I am, barely off the ground - but staying there, at least. Looking at the lay of the land - this small green island.
Sometimes, looking back (with both nostalgia and relief at having left) at the very large island of Africa, from whence I came.
A fresh start for me and that kind of night-before excitement you had as a child.
I am teaching (online at the moment) at the wonderful Surrey Art School - which lights me up.
And, with this site (beautifully stitched together by Luis Preto) comes a little shop full of all manner of original work, prints and other nice things from me.
Please, get onboard and join me for the journey. Can’t wait!
Let’s fly!